One night – many experiences: public readings of contemporary literature performed by well known personalities at attractive and unusual venues in cities across Europe.


European Literature Night builds on the concept of literature being a unique creative medium which embraces the voices of individuals along with the values of the society they live in. The umbrella project “European Literature Nights 2012 – 2014” aims to bring contemporary European literature to the general public in an innovative way through a series of public readings and accompanying events. Supported by a grant from the Culture Programme of the European Union, the project partners hope to deliver high level of impact to their audiences. Although it is Brno, Bucharest, Dublin, Lisbon, Vilnius, Prague and Wroclaw who are jointly co-organizing the project “ELN 2012 – 2014”, the other partner cities where Literature Night already took root are of no lesser importance for the event’s development.

partner cities

The highlighted cities are the main organizers of the project "European Literature Nights 2012 - 2014":


Comme nous pleurons et rions d'une même chose – How we weep and laugh about the same thing

The thin line between joy and sadness, explored by twelve authors.

Tuesday 14 May 2013

20.00 De Brakke Grond, Amsterdam

Join us for a night of debates, interviews and musical performances with writers from all over Europe. Inspired by an essay title of the French philosopher Michel de Montaigne -How we weep and laugh about the same thing- twelve authors have written an essay, short story or other piece of prose for the annual European Literature Night, organized by EUNIC, a network of national institutes of culture. Seven of them -Laurent Binet (France), Jáchym Topol (Czech Republic), Marcel Beyer (Germany), Krisztina Tóth (Hungary), Laura Sintija Černiauskaité (Lithuania), Nihan Kaya (Turkey) and Marja Pruis (Netherlands)- will come to Amsterdam and discuss their work with literary critic Margot Dijkgraaf. Also on the program: a musical performance based upon the texts by the actors Hendrik Willekens (Belgium), Rob List (US), Eva Susova (Czech Republic) and Dennis Deter (Germany).

A special book with all texts submitted for this year’s European Literature Night will be published (in Dutch) by Uitgeverij Cossee: De smalle grens tussen vreugde en verdriet bewandeld door twaalf auteurs. In addition to the already mentioned authors it also contains contributions from: Constantin Göttfert (Austria), Nicolas Ancion (Belgium), Etgar Keret (Israël), Gustavo Martín Garzo (Spain) and Christophe Vekeman (Belgium).

See for tickets (€8 / Online €6). More information coming soon.

The European Literature Night is supported by the Representation of the European Commission in the Netherlands.
