One night – many experiences: public readings of contemporary literature performed by well known personalities at attractive and unusual venues in cities across Europe.


European Literature Night builds on the concept of literature being a unique creative medium which embraces the voices of individuals along with the values of the society they live in. The umbrella project “European Literature Nights 2012 – 2014” aims to bring contemporary European literature to the general public in an innovative way through a series of public readings and accompanying events. Supported by a grant from the Culture Programme of the European Union, the project partners hope to deliver high level of impact to their audiences. Although it is Brno, Bucharest, Dublin, Lisbon, Vilnius, Prague and Wroclaw who are jointly co-organizing the project “ELN 2012 – 2014”, the other partner cities where Literature Night already took root are of no lesser importance for the event’s development.

partner cities

The highlighted cities are the main organizers of the project "European Literature Nights 2012 - 2014":

Marek Bieńczyk

Marek Bieńczyk was born in Warsaw in 1956. A novelist, essay writer and translator of Kundera and Cioran, he is also a literary historian. The avowed francophile is also a recognised oenologist. His first novel, entitled Terminal, written in 1994, is a 'postmodern love story' which made its mark on the Polish literary scene. The work which followed, notably his novel Tworki (1999) and his essays on melancholy (1998, 2002), confirmed his position. His latest work Książka Twarzy, received the prestigious Polish NIKE prize. The inexpressible is his preferred domaine, and the way he plays with form is the way in which he presents it.